Monday, October 28, 2013

Cycle 14 Has Begun

A quick note to everyone, since there was a question as to whether I'd begin cycle 14 today or I'd be delayed, it is the former that has happened. I had another C diff test when I came into clinic this morning. The result came back negative, so I got my chemo. I also saw Dr. Healey for a followup. He was pleased with my progress and the state of my left leg stump. So, good news on two fronts!

Hopefully, this cycle goes more smoothly than the last one, with no crazy chemo crash during the first week and no recurrence of C diff. Ashley comes again in just under two weeks. Without a delay, this would have been at the end of a good week, but even with it now occurring at the end of a second week, we'll make the most of it. Plus, the visit will feel like an instant reward for completing this cycle's chemo. Nothing wrong with some instant gratification... But first, time to get through the chemo!


  1. You forgot to mention your blood counts! T-minus 10 days til I see you! :)

  2. khoda ra shokr for the good news.
