Friday, October 25, 2013


So much for this past week being a chemo week, or my diarrhea abating. I never got back to normal in that department before Monday, and as a result, I had cycle 14 postponed until next week. I've been up and down as far as diarrhea goes this week. A stool test I had on Wednesday came up negative, but that does not mean I'm out of the woods. My course of Flagyl ends on Saturday morning. It's possible for the C diff to come back yet again on Monday if enough of it hasn't been killed off. If that's the case, I'll have to wait again to start cycle 14, and begin a course of vancomycin. Hopefully, that won't be the case; I'd like to get done with chemo sooner rather than later!

I've tried not to push myself too hard this week so I can regain strength. I had my fun when Ashley was here :) For the rest of her visit, we went to Brooklyn's botanical garden and then came back to Manhattan and had Indian food for dinner. It's a large expanse of green that makes you feel like you're getting away from all the hustle and bustle of New York. We spent by far most of our time looking at the roses, which is just one small section, so there's a lot we missed. But we couldn't help ourselves, both having a thing for rose gardens. Great opportunity for pictures too; below is my favorite of all the roses in the garden. I also spent some time drawing in a sketchbook Ashley got me; her efforts on making me more artistic are finally working!

I'm going to do my best now to have an enjoyable and restful weekend, in preparation for the resumption of chemo. Hopefully I don't get delayed again. As great as it has been to have needed recovery time, and looking back it has been needed -- I didn't head into this week feeling as recovered as I did previous weeks in which I was slated to receive chemo -- I want to most of all be done. It also disrupted my schedule, as there were a couple of events I wanted to see during my next two cycles that originally fell during good weeks that now don't. But again, it wasn't all bad. Besides the recovery time, I got to spend a little extra time with Ashley, riding with her to the airport and seeing her off when I otherwise would have had to get chemo. I do have to remind myself from time to time to look on the bright side!

1 comment:

  1. Hormozd jounam, No wonder I have always been sending you pictures of roses.Down in my heart I must have known that you like roses. You are the
    rose in my life.
