Thursday, August 15, 2013

There Go My Eyebrows

Not surprisingly, I have been without hair during much of my chemo regimen. It's followed a pattern of the "bag" cycles knocking it out (the actual hair loss occurs during the third week of the cycle and continues a bit into the next cycle), followed by regrowth during each second irinotecan/temozolomide cycle. This time, I have reached a new stage of hair loss -- much of my eyebrows are gone. This is not the first time I have had hair loss there -- my eyebrows thinned during cycle 4 -- but the amount of loss is such that the majority of the hair is gone. I immortalized the moment with a picture:

I started chemo with quite a bit of hair, but as it never regrew fully before being knocked out again, I have progressively become more hairless with each bag cycle. I expect this trend to hold after cycles 12 and 15 (my last two bag cycles). I wonder what I'll look like then... As for the future, I've decided that this will serve as my official transition for embracing the bald look (I was already losing hair to baldness before my diagnosis), so from here on out, my head will be hairless, shaved, or buzz-cutted, whatever I happen to feel like at the time.

1 comment:

  1. Nahid Goldstein

    Dear Hormozd, I never thought it was possible to love another child that is not my flesh and blood, as much as I love and respect you. There is in you a special pride and admiration that I have never felt for anyone else. Though I do not consider myself an especially religious person, it was with you in mind that I have started a relationship with our local Chabad.
    Day and night I pray for your health and well being. Your parents are absolutely phenomenal. Your dear mother emulates everything that made our biblical matriarchs so beloved.
    Your courage is your strength which will see you through this time of tribulation. There is not a doubt in mind that you will conquer this temporary set back. Your attitude in of itself is a great healing factor.
    With heartfelt regards,
    Hormozdam, Martin wanted to write these couple of lines to you and he sure spoke from my heart.
    Ameh Nahid
