Saturday, August 31, 2013

Football Season!

This is it, my favorite sports time of the year. I always get pumped for football season. I can't help it. Even though my team, Illinois, more often than not has a struggle of a season. I'm looking to football weekends to help carry me through to the end of chemo. Only 6 more cycles to go now!

One of my favorite places to be: at an Illinois football game in 2010.
This last cycle (#11) has been easier than the one before it. The first week, with both the irinotecan and temozolomide, was draining like before, but something changed in week #2. I had a surprising amount of energy during most of it, including a little shopping trip on Tuesday afternoon and a programming session on Wednesday afternoon. Eventually, of course, the chemo caught up to me, and I needed a major nap after I got disconnected on Friday.

I would say the turning point was a spontaneous trip I took a week ago with my mom to Williamsburg, a neighborhood in Brooklyn that has seen a recent influx of young people. It was definitely an interesting place to walk around. A number of the buildings looked worn down, but there were lots of young hipsters walking around, and street vendors peddling wares. I was reminded a bit of my Bay Area days, making the trip feel like a nice escape from Manhattan. And then I found this painted image of a ? block from Super Mario Brothers!

After the trip, I had a lot more energy. So I guess the moral of the story is to get out and do things even if you don't feel well. Sometimes it's more mental fatigue than physical.


  1. The countdown is on! Let's hope this is your second wind and that these last 6 continue to go by easier :)

  2. Horm, I'm so amazed by your perseverance and positive attitude throughout this challenging journey. Every day I think about you and how lucky I feel to have such an incredible person as my cousin. In your own strength and positivity, you help me with my own little obstacles. I just keep thinking to myself, that if my cousin could be such a strong person and such a fighter, there's no reason I can't get through anything happening in my life. You really are my hero Horm and I can't wait for the day I can see you again and share the laughs we always do when we are together. I love you always always and always!!!!

    ONLY 6 MORE TO GO!!!!


  3. I second Melody's comment Hormozd jounam.

    I am so glad you could that trip. I wonder what the question mark is about??

  4. Keep exploring! Thanks for the update.
