Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cumulative Chemo Effects

One thing about this last cycle is that it's been much harder on me than the previous two. I already mentioned having to get a blood transfusion. Well, other parts of my blood have been slow to recover as well. The past two cycles, my immune system had recovered by this point. Not this time. My white blood cell count was even lower than it was on Monday, and my platelets were very low, necessitating a platelet transfusion. Compounding things, my temperature went up while I was getting the platelets. When it goes over 38C, it means you have to get hospitalized, and it was just this happened to me. I'm now being given antibiotics, in case there's a bacterial infection behind this (the possibility has to be guarded against, as with a very weakened immune system, I'd be in deep trouble if there is one brewing). I'll be here until my temperature drops and my white blood cell count recovers. Doctors and nurses have both said that later cycles can hit you harder than earlier ones because your body often doesn't fully recover before a new cycle starts. Well, looks like three cycles of this same set of chemo drugs have done just this to me. Good time to be switching to a new set. Hopefully that gives my body a break.

1 comment:

  1. Oh rough!! Stay strong, Hormozd. Sending you love, Katy
