Friday, May 31, 2013

It's been a while...

The days can go by so fast sometimes during treatment, and now I see it's been almost 3 weeks since my last post! Well, to be more specific, it's the days when I'm not getting chemo that go by more quickly. How unfortunate; those are the days I want to last longer!

I'm currently in the first week of cycle 7 and feeling quite tired. It first hit on Tuesday (treatment started then and ends Saturday this week due to the Memorial Day holiday). It's another irinotecan/temozolomide cycle, like cycles 4 and 5. I would get bouts of fatigue during those cycles too, most often during the first week when I'd get both drugs, but I have been feeling very tired this week. I took a long nap Tuesday afternoon and then couldn't sleep well at night. On Wednesday, I was able to make it through physical therapy ok, and didn't feel too sleepy, but then yesterday, I slept while getting chemo, and right after lunch too. This morning, I'm a little better, but still tired.

So, now to get to what happened between the end of the ifosfamide/etoposide treatment of cycle 6 and now... I'd last reported that I was feeling less drained than expected. As true as it was, all it meant was that the crash was delayed. It wasn't a ginormous crash, but it was enough to make me miss a session of physical therapy. This mirrored my blood counts, which had their drop during the latter part of the week. Though I was hoping to make it to my brother's med school graduation in Virginia with my family during the ensuing weekend, I instead spiked a fever on Friday night and was in the hospital. I was thankfully in there only for one evening, but I was still tired, and I stayed back with my uncle who was visiting while my parents made the trip south. We were all hoping to make the trip together, but sometimes things don't work out like you hope...

The scans I was expecting during the third week of cycle 6 actually won't be happening until June 12; the every 3 cycles I thought it was going to be was only after the first 3. After those, the interval is roughly every 3 months. The Tuesday of this week, Ashley arrived for a visit and has been with me since, accompanying me on a brief trip that I will have to talk about in another post to keep this one from being too long. Also a feature of that week: the hair on my head and face fell out once again, and now I'm back to the very unhairy state I was in since the end of cycle 1.

More posts will come as my energy allows, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Hormozd jounam, I feel such a pain in my heart seeing you suffer like this, oh how I wish I could transfer your pains to me!!!!!!!
    You are still my hero azizam. Hopefully the rest of this cycle won't be so mean to you!
    You are my inspiration and in my prayers every minute of the day. Enshalah soon we will have all of you here together. You take good care of your precious self. Love to your Ashley and I adore you.
