Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Cycle 5 in Pictures

As I said yesterday, I began cycle 6, but I'd like to take this moment to share a few pictures from cycle 5 that show some of what went on. First one is of me in the clinic during week 1. For effect, I'm wearing my prosthetic leg turned sideways. Also to note is that while I've lost a good bit of hair, my mustache and some of the hair on my chin had begun to grow back:

Fast forward to the end of the cycle, and that hair has become rich and full, and the rest of my hair has started to come back as well. Facial hair, head hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, body hair... This cycle 6 will likely knock it out again, but I'm enjoying it while I still have it. Here's me on Sunday posing in front of the new 1 World Trade Center tower currently under construction:

Now, I'd mentioned before that the fit of the prosthetic leg is very much dependent on the prosthetic socks that go over my silicone sleeve. I have to carry socks with me wherever I go, as during the course of an outing, I might need to change the number I'm wearing. Here is a change of socks in action:

Finally, my nails have shown the signs of multiple rounds of chemo. This is something Dr. Meyers, the head of the sarcoma team, told me I would see. Perfectly normal, like tree rings actually. I can see four bands, and I had four cycles before this one:


  1. I love the foot turned sideways! I still think the next time we go to a beach you should turn it completely backwards (if it fits) and walk in the sand. Those tracks would leave some people scratching their heads!

  2. Looking great, buddy! Still 100% behind you!

  3. Looking great Hormozd! You are so wonderful! I love Ashley's suggestion, try to do it and don't forget to film people who recognize this! :)

  4. You look great, azizam. You are the best. I so much love you.

  5. Hi Hormozd! You are in our prayers day and night! We are so amazed by your progress and are inspired by your positive attitude and strength! We can't wait to see you back on Wilshire Ct. and shoot some hoops like we did years ago! Take care and want you to know we are sending out best wishes and prayers your way! Your blog is an inspiration to us and others all over the world! Stay strong!!

    1. Hi Rachel, glad to hear from you! I was actually going through my free throw shooting motion recently while wearing my prosthesis (no ball, though), so yes, we will have to shoot a few hoops when I come back! :)

  6. Hello Hormozd, I'm another far-too-old-for-pediatric-cancer patient (I'm 32, Ewing's in my sacrum). Your fiancee told me about your blog and I love your attitude (I also agree with Ashley about the footprints on the beach... genius idea!). I'll keep reading and praying for the best for you and your family.

    1. Hi Patrick, great to hear from you. Until you, I was the only over-30 Ewing's patient I knew of, so it's great not to be alone :) I read through your blog and found myself inspired by your determination to beat this thing. I will pray that this happens for you.

  7. Hello from Israel
    Your dad's uncle Jacob and his family.
    We are all behind you, and keep our fingers crossed.
