Thursday, July 18, 2013

Passed the Halfway Point

Today marks the day I passed the halfway point of chemo. 8.5 cycles down, 8.5 cycles to go. Hopefully, it's smooth sailing through the second half. Once encouraging bit is that most of the bag cycles are already done. 4.5 of them in the first half, with only 2.5 to go in the second half. There are still other potential treatments, depending on the nature of the lung spots that showed up on my CT scans. But the decision there involves something other than chemo.

I have felt surprisingly good most of the week, though now I've started to lose energy and feel a bit off. I had a delayed crash during cycle 6 as well. We'll see where the blood counts are tomorrow morning. When they were last checked (Tuesday morning), my red blood cells, hemoglobin, and platelets were all low, but not at the point where a transfusion was needed. My white blood cell count was very low, to the point where any sign of infection sends me to the hospital. Haven't had to go there yet...

Thanks to everyone who has shown support and cheered for me throughout my journey. We're not done yet, but we have passed an important milestone. Now, onto the next one.

1 comment:

  1. YAY for milestones! I think you should celebrate all of them! Plus, you know, all that stuff about a journey of 1000 steps and so forth; extra appropriate in this case.

    - Amy K
