Thursday, June 20, 2013

Places You Want to Revisit

New York is New York. There is a lot to do here, lots to see, places I have seen that I still have to post about, places I still have to see... But I'm here for cancer treatment, not pleasure, so there's a limit to the fun I can have here.

I periodically think about the places I want to get back to when I'm done here. Home is one of them. I also want to get back to taking trips to conferences and research meetings like I was before. As I found from my trip to Boston, there's nothing like being in the thick of things with the research community.

One place in particular has been on my mind a lot, though. I have an attachment to the Bay Area, having lived there for four years and also having spent the last three summers there for internships. It has the features of an urban area, but there are also parks and other wide open areas to escape to. I have fond memories of running in the East Bay hills, where I would get amazing views of the city and the bay and the Golden Gate bridge.

With this in mind, I'm sharing one of my favorite songs with you this morning, Journey's famous Bay Area anthem, "Lights":


  1. What a beautiful song.
    Soon azizam, have a little more patience and faith.
    I have faith, soon you will be able to go to all those places and promise to write about them.

  2. This is also one of my favorite songs! Don't worry, you will get to travel back to SF soon enough.
