Friday, April 5, 2013

More Bounce in My Step

It only took one day after my post where I talked about how I missed my test socket to make a breakthrough with my new prosthesis. When walking to Sloan-Kettering in the morning, I figured out that I needed to get more push from my glutes specifically to reduce the pressure on what remained of my left calf. This discovery had me walking more easily, both on crutches and unassisted. I had a huge bounce in my step when I came in for treatment, which everyone noticed.

Fatigue from chemo remained at a low level overall, though a couple of untimely difficult nights with falling asleep made sure I had some from other sources. Nausea also remained under control, though it's gotten a bit worse over the latter half of the week with additional chemo administrations. I'm done with that for this cycle now, though, and I'm totally free next week, in fact. Well, not entirely free from clinical obligations -- I still have physical therapy -- but I don't have to come in for blood counts since mine remained healthy throughout the chemo administration. I was told before it started that unlike my first three cycles, this one was not guaranteed to kill my immune system and possibly my other blood cells as well, and I'm very happy it didn't.

Hopefully the nausea and slightly diminished appetite will subside soon and enable me to enjoy a completely normal week before the next cycle begins. I have a lot I want to get done, both in terms of rehab and my work. Time to make it happen.

1 comment:

  1. Well I got answer to my question, no effect on blood counts thank God. I am soooooooo happy you are doing better this time. you are such a blessing in our lives Hormozd jan. You ARE going to accomplaish a lot this week beh omid khoda.
    Love you azizam.
    Ameh Nahid
